How Charlie's First Post Went Viral with Nearly 500 Likes

Charlie Cheesman’s very first LinkedIn post caught fire, reaching nearly 500 likes and filling his inbox with messages and connection requests. How did he do it? Charlie used Flow, a LinkedIn post generator, to craft the message that introduced his startup. Here’s why the post exploded and how you can achieve the same.

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  • How Flow co-wrote Charlie’s viral LinkedIn post
  • Why structured, engaging content is critical to online success
  • The power of combining personal authenticity with professional tools
  • Steps to create your own LinkedIn post using Flow

The Post That Started It All

Charlie Cheesman, co-founder of Cheddar, wasn't expecting his first LinkedIn post to go viral.
But after hitting "post", he was overwhelmed by the response—nearly 500 likes, tons of messages, and connection requests in his inbox.
What made it work?
Charlie didn't do it alone. He had Flow co-writing with him.

How Flow Co-Wrote Charlie’s Post

Launching a startup is busy work, so Charlie didn’t have time to spend hours fine-tuning a LinkedIn post. That’s when he turned to Flow. With Flow’s smart post generator, Charlie was able to turn his thoughts into a polished, engaging message in minutes. Here’s how they teamed up:
  1. Fast, Efficient Creation: Charlie used Flow’s Instant Post feature, which allowed him to quickly select his topic—introducing Cheddar—and add some key details. Flow then crafted a clear, engaging post, tailored to Charlie’s style.
  1. Optimized for Engagement: Flow didn’t just help with wording. It structured the post in a way that’s designed to work on LinkedIn—breaking the message into short, digestible points that keep people reading.
  1. Interactive CTA: Together, Charlie and Flow added a fun call to action: “Comment ‘Cheddar 🧀’ for more info.” This simple touch encouraged interaction, which helped boost the post’s visibility on LinkedIn, creating a snowball effect.

Why Charlie’s Post Took Off

The post’s success was no accident. Here’s why it resonated so well:
  • Collaborative Authenticity: With Flow’s help, Charlie was able to write a message that felt authentic and personal while still being professional. He was able to express his excitement in a way that felt relatable and genuine.
  • Clear Problem-Solution Focus: Flow helped Charlie zero in on the core issue graduates face—job search stress—and how Cheddar could fix it. This clear focus gave people a reason to care about his post and his business.
  • Fun Engagement: Flow’s suggestion to include a playful call to action (using the cheese emoji) brought an extra level of engagement, encouraging people to comment and share. This interactive element boosted the post’s performance on LinkedIn.

How You Can Team Up with Flow for Your Next Post

Here’s how you can use Flow to create a standout LinkedIn post, just like Charlie did:
  1. Use Flow for Quick, Professional Posts: Flow’s Instant Post feature saves you time by turning your ideas into a polished post in minutes. It’s like having a writing partner who knows exactly what works for your audience.
  1. Be Yourself: Flow helps capture your authentic voice. Whether you’re introducing a project or sharing an update, Flow ensures the post feels personal, while keeping the structure professional and engaging.
  1. Add a Simple, Fun CTA: Flow knows how to create calls to action that drive engagement. Whether it’s a question, a prompt, or something interactive like Charlie’s emoji request, Flow helps turn passive readers into active participants.
  1. Clear and Concise Wins: Flow’s format uses short, punchy sentences and bullet points to keep things easy to read and skimmable. No long-winded paragraphs—just concise, engaging content that grabs attention.

Wrapping up

Charlie's viral post was a perfect example of what happens when you combine personal authenticity with the power of Flow's LinkedIn post generator.
Flow didn't just co-write the post—it made the entire process faster, easier, and more effective.
If you're ready to write LinkedIn posts that capture attention, Flow's got your back.
Whether it's your first post or your hundredth, teaming up with Flow can help you reach new levels of engagement.

Start for free


Written by

Tom Gray
Tom Gray

Co-founder at